"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure-measure a year?"
The book Without You is written by Anthony Rapp, he was one of the original cast members of the musical RENT a rock opera, this book shows the trials and tribulations of life how he went through it, how Anthony got the part of Mark in the musical. It shows how he struggled in coming out to himself at such a young age of only 13 years old. Through out the book he really hasent seen his mother in a pretty long time and he finally sees her after like 5 years. His mother has cancer and he has great relationship with his mom and its hard to see her go though her disease. Him coming out as a gay man in the busisness he is in is pretty hard because he has to see death all around him when people he gets in a relationship with or he gets pretty close to them they die, the writer of RENT had HIV-AIDs and Anthony got very close to him as a friend and Jonathan dies at a very young age of only 27. It was really hard for the whole cast because Jonathan didnt get to see his musical get on Broadway, and become a very popular movie in 2005. This book is a very good book if you love musicals or if you love RENT in a musical or movie perspective because you get to see how this musical became so big in future years, RENT debuted in 1994 and the movie adaptation came out in 2005.
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