Friday, May 30, 2008

Scooter (Post # 4)

Many Vasquez, as it turned out, could have used a darn curve. He'd been a ringer at All Hallows and he made the scouts clamor for his fastball. but his second year in class A ball, people had caught on that the kid had no other pitch. it wasn't that he couldn't, he just flat out wouldn't give another pitch a try.(86)"

Many was the older brother of the sister that Scooter liked. Scooter said his dad could teach him how to throw a curve but Many said he didn't need one. but it looks like in the end he really did need one. All Hallows was a school that Scooters dad went to and he was pretty darn good, the scouts would look at you if your threw had because thats all the really looked at. if that wasn't the case Scooters dad would have probably went to the pros, but he didn't.

in my mind people just dont like to change, even if it's for the best. people don't like to listen to anyone else unless they are known. i just think that it took a alot of will for Scooter who is only 9 years old to tell a high schooler that his dad could teach him how to throw a curve. theres not many people thay would do that.

i really like this book and you should read it if you like baseball

1 comment:

Mr. Land said...

What's the story line in this book? Is it just about fictional baseball games? What is it about this book that makes you want to continue reading it? I'd be interested to learn a little more about this book to see if maybe it's something I would enjoy.