Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Lovely Bones [Post #3]

“…the fastest way she knew to forget” [160].

I have to admit, I didn’t pick this book up once over this past weekend, but I was excited to today in class. The one thing about this book that I’m starting not to like is the fact that it just keeps dragging on. The beginning was more exciting than it is now. There needs to be some kind of action, it’s just been her looking down from heaven the whole time. I’m starting to drift out of this book, but I guess I’m just going to have to keep going.

The quote above I can very much relate to. People wonder why I’m so obsessed with softball, and the only reason is, is that it’s a fast way for everything to go away. While some of the other players are moaning because of league on Thursdays or tournaments over the weekend, I live for them. As my coach would say “leave it all before you get in the dugout”. What he’s saying is pretty much, whatever is going on in your life at that very moment, school problems, drama, boyfriends, whatever, it shouldn’t be put in the field. Maybe that’s why my softball team is so close with each other; when we’re playing, it just blocks out everything in all of our lives. What stinks is when you go back home after games or a tournament, and you hit reality again. Maybe that’s what urges me to keep playing the game, is that feeling that everything is perfect for those 2 hours of game time.
It’s my fastest way I know how to forget things.

1 comment:

Jessa said...

Dude keep on reading… It gets better. I don’t remember it dragging on but it’s been a while. But believe me action is coming!!! I can’t wait for you to get to the best parts. This book actually made me cry and have chills. I loved it, I hope you do too.