Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Giver (Post #3)

"Gently he patted Gabriel's back." For Jonas to give Gabriel a memory was so surprising to me. I think it was brave and most definitely needed to be done. This newborn child needed love. Whether the memory was about love or not, for Jonas to give this memory was love enough. The Nurturers just don't get why that now all of a sudden Gabriel sleeps soundly when comforted by Jonas. It's a feeling of comfort, of love, and of feeling safe. I think that the Nurturers might decide to eventually release Gabriel because he isn't responding "correctly" to, well really, anyone else, besides Jonas. This book is just so hard to comprehend because I can't even begin to imagine what life without these memories would be, especially without love. I also don't yet think Jonas understands loss, or death. I don't think he gets that when people are released....well I don't even know, I just know it's not good. I also understand why the first receiver, well the girl that tried to be one, Rosemary, applied for release. For someone to receive that pain of loss, for a little girl to try to all of a sudden handle that, to feel that pain, I don't I could handle that. It's hard enough to handle that without receiving them all at once.

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