Friday, May 23, 2008

Of Mice and Men (Response #2)

“But Lennie watched in terror the flopping little man whom he held. Blood ran down Lennie’s face, one of his eyes was cut and closed. George slapped him in the face again and again, and still Lennie held on to the closed fist. Curley was white and shrunken by now, and his struggling had become weak. He stood crying, his fist lost in Lennie’s paw.”

What a fight. One (Curley) being the best welterweight fighter in the county, and the other (Lennie) a monstrous of a man with extraordinary strength. I feel sympathy for Lennie though because he got cheap shoted at first for no reason at all and he didn’t even want to fight back. After a few shots to the dome Lennie finally found the courage to fight back and he takes his opponents fist to prevent any more shots thrown. After he calmed down Lennie let go and turns out all the bones in his hand are broken. Now that he broke his hand I think Curley will be angrier at Lennie and want to fight him again.

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