Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Innocent Man ((post #3))

“Not long after the murder, Debbie’s aunt Glenna Lucas received an anonymous phone call in which a male voice said, “Debbie’s dead, and you will next die.” Glenna recalled, with horror, the words scrawled in nail polish: “Jim Smith next will die.” The similarities sent her into panic, but instead of notifying the police, she called the district attorney.”

Every time I start to get bored and think I’m at a stopping point to put the book down something like this mysterious phone call happens. I really like the authors’ writing style; he sure knows how to keep someone reading.

When Debbie’s aunt went to clean her apartment right after the murder there were threats written everywhere: on the walls, in the kitchen and the worst, on Debbie’s back. They were all written in both nail polish and ketchup. So when the man calls her and says she will be the next to die, she automatically knows it the murderer because he said it in the same way the threat was written on the wall. Why she didn’t call the police, I really have no idea; they can protect her if she is his next victim on the list. I know that’s what I would have done! Hopefully she won’t be next!

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