Friday, May 30, 2008

Firestorm (post 4)

“I didn’t do it?” She got out of bed and walked over to the window. “I found your damn path and I settled into your damn influence center and zilch.”

Kerry was now trying to go into Silver’s mind so when she was encountered with Trask she could get him to do what she wanted. A very important piece of information was given to Kerry. Silver told her to suggest to him to do what he wanted, like if you wanted him to jump into a lake, you could suggest you were hot and that you wanted to cool off. Kerry was getting frustrated because she was trying to hard to break through Silver to learn and she had yet to succeed. What you have to do is find a path, in which there are a million. Then once you find a path that isn’t blocked, which is the trick, you have to break through it like it is a barrier. This is the hardest part and it was the part that Kerry just was at and couldn’t break through. Kerry is becoming a bit obsessed with trying to learn how to control Trask. She is also becoming very close to Silver. With all there time spend at the lake, the lake is the idea Silver plants in her head to distract her from stressful things. There she finds him very handsome and is becoming a bit attached to him. We will see what happens…

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