Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Twilight (post #3) by: Nick Manzo

"Don't underestimate James. He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on.... I'm sorry for what's been unleased here. Truly sorry" (400).

During this time in the book, Edward has invited Bella to see his family. She meets the whole crew and all of them seemed to like her. Later they invite her to see them play baseball (which is no ordinary way). As they were playing Alice, Edward's sister, (who has a special gift to see a bit of the future) gets a vision that there are some vampires who are coming towards them. Edward soon hides Bella and the both stay together while the family tries to distract them. The new vampire named James picks up Bella’s sent and finds her, but doesn’t attack because Edward is protecting her. They both growl at each other ready for a fight. I believe that this is the beginning of the climax of this story. I predict that Edward and James will get in a fight over the girl and it becomes a great battle to the death. I believe this because James is a “Tracker” which is a vampire that can pick up scents and follow the prey for many miles. At this point I’m really drawn in. I can’t wait to see what will happen to Edward, James, and Bella, to see if things turn out for the best or will there be a twist of fate and something tragic happens.

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