Thursday, May 29, 2008

Black Hawk Down (post #2)

"The Rangers wore body armor and helmets with gogles. Aden could see no part of them that looked human. They were like futuristic warriors from an American movie" (pg. 81).

In this passage the autor uses a simile in order to help the reader invision what Aden was seeing. This quote kind of makes me feel bad for Aden and all of his countrymen and women that were innocent, yet they still had to try to live, day in and day out, in the middle of a warzone. I can only imagine the fear and terror that Aden felt when he first laid eyes on the alien-like American soldiers.

Although this does make me feel sorry for these people, I do not think that America did the wrong thing. We were just trying to save these people from the evil dictator that was holding them down. And, unfortunately, in the process, innocent people died. It is a sad, but inevitable fact. War is an ugly thing, but sometimes, it just has to be done...


alex said...

i like how the author describes the soliders in this sentence. he uses imagery and it gives me a god idea what there wearing. i really liked the quote it caught my attention and i really like how he worded the sentence. i am thinking about reading this book over the summer.

Andy said...

I like this quote a lot because it is true. War is a scary thing. Hope you like your book so far