Friday, May 30, 2008

Twilight (post #4) by: Nick Manzo

"He was in front of me in a flash. I didn't see if he used his hand or his foot, it was too fast. A crushing blow struck my chest- I felt myself flying backward, and then heard the crunch as my head bashed into the mirrors. The glass buckled, some of the pieces shattering and splintering on the floor beside me" (449).

At this point in the book Bella was drawn to her old dance studio in Phoenix. James, the tracking vampire, got Bella to separate from her protection of her vampire friends and got her alone. James went on bragging on how he got Bella by herself in the dance studio and how only one human got away from him before. While he was talking, Bella decided to make a run for it and try to out run, she knew it was pointless because she knew vampires had better speed, strength, and keen senses. James saw her and quickly stopped her. This part really caught my interest. I couldn’t help but to constantly wonder what’s going to happen next and refused to put the book down. I was surprised James was easily able to get Bella alone and with out the Cullens using there sixth senses to figure out what is happening to Bella as she disappeared from them. I really hope that somehow Bella is able to escape from James and make a made dash for it and find the Cullens for safety or the Cullens make a heroic rescue before James takes Bella’s life for good.


Calvin said...

Hey, Stormi is reading the same book as you and she always tells me how good it is and how addicting it is. Do you think so? I know the story to it, how the vampire loves this girl but can't suck her blood. I didn't think it would appeal to a guy, what do you think?

stormi said...

This part of the book was my favorite. It really kept me interested and made me not want to put the book down. I was anxious when James made her run into the glass and she fell on the floor. Then the next thing you know she is on the floor with Edward by her side resisting her smell to save her life. I hope you liked this book and go on to the sequel New Moon because I have started reading it and it is already good.