Monday, June 2, 2008

Into the Wild (post 2)

McCandless was exhilarated; he saw the flash flood as an opportunity to shed unnecessary baggage. that mccandless is a very optomistic person, if a flood would of came and took my car and all my stuff in my car i would be furiouse instead of happy for losing all my stuff. but then again he is going with what little supplies he can hold to seek truth


Jacob Sullinger said...

I know if I lost all my stuff in a flud I would be pissed as well. You would have nothing how would that be good? I don't think I could live out in the wild like a wilderness man. I like to be around people and I don't think I could live by myself and do nothing but hunt and try to survive.

Wendling said...

Wow. That is one extremely optimistic guy. This is the first time I have seen a flash flood in a positive light.