Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Best Foot Forward (Book Review)

The book I read was called “Best Foot Forward” by Joan Bauer. I decided to read this book for a couple of reasons. One reason why I choose this book was because of the title. I’m not really sure why I liked it so much but it just caught my eye and looked interesting. Also I choose to read this book was because the librarian told me it was a good book. This is why I decided to read Best Foot Forward.
This book is pretty much about this girl name Jenna. Her dad is and alcoholic, which drives Jenna crazy and causes her many of problems. She works at Gladstone Shoes and has been working there for over a year now. Warehouse Shoes and Gladstone Shoes are trying to merge to beat out all of the other shoe stores in their city. To see what happens your going to have to read the book.
Overall I think this book was pretty good. The Author used many symbols and irony throughout this book. This book also has a lot of meaning and if you like books that have a lot of meaning then you will like this book. I hate reading and don’t read very often but after reading this book I thin I’m going to read more. If you get a chance I thin you should read this book and see what happens.

The Giver Book Review!

The Giver

Have you ever thought there are too many rules? I chose this book because I don’t necessarily like rules, like most people. This book shows the unique society of utopia. The author, Lois Lowry, growing up on a farm I’m sure had many rules in her life and has written a numerous amount of books. This just happens to be my favorite, that’s why I chose this book, even though I’ve read it before.
This book is about an eleven year old boy named Jonas who is also the narrator of The Giver. He lives in a practical utopia with a ton of rules. In his society the peak of your life is the Ceremony of Twelve’s, which is when you receive your job, given by the elders of the community. This is what Jonas was looking forward to like every other child and went to find out that he was chosen uniquely, which isn’t necessarily a good thing in this community. Jonas was told he would be the community’s next receiver, he was frightened. The receiver is a secret job that learns about the memories of the past such as snow and even pain. When Jonas learns of this pain he feels that the entire community must change, they need to know the feeling of love. Jonas takes someone along on this journey to elsewhere….(read the book to find who he takes and where they go).
This book is amazing! The way that the author used the many small rules throughout the book showed so much irony. The author also used irony throughout when Jonas was learning about life, the actual life, with memories. I read this for the first time in eighth grade and absolutely loved it. I hate reading, but after this book I wanted more, I wanted the book to not be over. Luckily for me, the author created a book onto The Giver, a sequel, The Messenger.

Black Hawk Down (Book Review)

The book i chose to read was "Black Hawk Down" by Mark Bowden. The reason i decided to read this book was because i really enjoy books about the military. My dad read the book and told me that it was a very good read, that once i started reading it, i wouldn't want to stop. And he was right.

This book tells the story of a brave group of United States' Army Ranger and Delta Forces soldiers as they fight through what was supposed to be a quick and painless operation. It is based in Somalia. All of the accounts in this story are first hand and as true as can be. It tells the story from many different points of view; even from the eyes of a somalian boy.

This book would be good for anyone who likes action and drama. There are so many twists and turns and hair raising parts. I recomenend this book to anyone, because i really enjoyed reading it.

Twilight: Book Review: by Nick Manzo

I chose to read the book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I chose this book because the description was very interesting to me. The description said that there is a young girl who moved from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington and found a guy she really had a crush on. What happens is that it turns out that the guy is a vampire. I thought to myself that this is going to be a fun book to read.

The story of the book is narrated by a young girl, a junior in high school, called Isabella Swan. The book starts out when Bella is flying from her mom’s place in Phoenix, Arizona to her dad’s house in Forks, Washington. Immediately she dislikes the place because it’s always cloudy and rainy without any sun. The next day she begins her new school year in Forks and finds some people to hang out with. As she entered her Biology class she found her first crush, his name is Edward Cullen. She was so nervous that she had no idea on what to do to talk to him. Then on one fateful day, the roads were all icy and the school parking lot was covered in it. As Bella just stepped out of her truck, Taylor was sliding all over the place and was about to hit her. Then all of a sudden Edward comes out of nowhere and steps in front of the car and they were both hit. Bella’s head was slammed hard against the street, but somehow Edward wasn’t and he left dents in the car. When Bella woke up she was in the hospital. When she was finally released from the hospital she talked to Edward, but it wasn’t for thanking she was angry. Then they both started to talk a little but not much until one day Bella was with her friends and she got separated from the group. Strange men were following her and one point she was almost taken when Edward showed up. He arrived just in time and took her away. They went to dinner and secrets were revealed from both of them. Then they started to see each other more and more often to where the both decided to date. Edward thought it would be nice for Bella to see his vampire family. But these vampires were different. Instead of killing humans they drank the blood of animals like deer and they also have sixth sense ability’s like to be able to read minds, see future and change someone’s mood. One night when the family was playing a special game of baseball, a new set of vampires arrived. They tried to hide Bella but one of the new arrival vampires was a tracker. This meant that he could follow Bella’s sent and kill her. Edward couldn’t live with this so he sent her and two of his family members to Phoenix to hide. But something happened that no one saw, the tracker had a new plan to capture Bella and get her alone.

I personally enjoyed this book very much. I could never put it down. The author was very good at describing situations and I could relate to almost every one of them. They story was played out very well with all the characters. The only thing that I disliked in the book was that she often described how perfect Edward looked, but other than that there is nothing to dislike. I have bought the sequels to the book and will read them to continue the story.

Scooter (Review)

I read the book Scooter by Mick Foley. I chose this book because it seemed interesting and it talked about baseball. The book talked about the Yankees and how they were one of the best teams in the majors. Also it talked about the New York Mets. Scooter liked the Mets and his dad liked the Yankees. There were several topics that I related too and took interest in. I knew it was about baseball but I thought about a different kind of baseball. I thought about baseball games and cretin players but I would soon figure out that there was a whole different kind of knowledge from the simple game baseball.
Scooter was named after a famous baseball player who player for the Yankees. His name was Phil Rizzuto. Scooters dad was a huge fan and loved the team no matter what, even if they had a losing record. He lived with his mom, dad, sister, and grandpa but that would soon change. His grandpa was involved in an accident and everything would be different. Scooter would learn new things, disobey his dads rules, and hangout with a different crowd. He likes the game of baseball and learns that his dad was extremely good but he didn’t have a fastball and because of that he couldn’t go pro. Scooter is just a young boy who’s trying to learn things for him by the game of baseball.
Before I began reading the book I was excited about reading the book. I actually went to the store and bought the book. When I started to read the book I didn’t like it, it seemed boring and didn’t talk much about baseball but I kept on reading. After a while I came to the point where it talked about baseball, soon after that I couldn’t lay the book down. In my opinion I would recommend this book who likes to watch and talk baseball. It gives you lessons from baseball that you thought it couldn’t be true. The book Scooter is a good book.

The Lovely Bones Book summary

So I thought this book was pretty interesting. Not only was it the first book I’ve WANTED to read in a long time, but it also kept me going and kept my attention. I picked the book up when Jessa was saying how good it was, and I didn’t feel like putting any effort into finding a book, so I just got this one. I’m glad though, it kept me going for the most part.
The Lovely Bones is about a girl who was kidnapped, raped, and killed in a corn field on the way home from school by her neighbor. The police find no lead to convict anyone, but her dad thinks it’s Mr. Harvey (the neighbor). The dad pretty much goes psycho over who killed his daughter. The story is told in the point of view of the girl that was killed. The details are amazing. She knows everything that’s going around her. She really wanted to be with her family on earth, but instead she’s telling the story from Heaven. I’d tell you more, but it would just give the whole book away.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants adventure, drama, suspense. It’s pretty much all the genres combined into one. It may drag in the middle of the book, but once you get through it, by the end it’s definitely worth reading. There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and there is even some good advice in it that makes it even better. I definitely like those kinds of books that make you think about your own personal life, and that’s what this book does.

The Shining (Book Review)

Stephen King is a great author who writes many horror books. The Shining is a very good book by King, and it is science-fiction/horror of course and is considered one of the greatest horror books of all time. The themes of the book are psychic abilities, confined, writer's life, and evil. The problem in the book is how 2 parents try to figure out what is going on with their son and how they are going to survive the long COLD winter in the hotel. I wanted to read this book because I thought it was going to be interesting because it was a horror book.

The book tells the fictional story of a struggling tempered mental writer, Jack Torrance, and his wife Wendy and son Danny, who move into a hotel named the Overlook in Colorado as caretaker. Jack has been trying to rebuild his life after what happened one time when he was very drunk. He was an alcoholic and because of this he hurt his 3 year old son very badly. While Jack plans to write his new novel he gets distracted by mysterious occurrences in the hotel and slowly goes crazy. One thing that makes him go crazy is one of the hotel rooms, room 217. This room is forbidden to go in. Danny also has problems of his own, he always has a seizure or convulsion and he also has an imaginary friend named Tony. He is also a gifted child; he is telepathic, but sensitive to supernatural forces.

The hotel is both a personality in its own way and it manipulates both the living and the dead for its own purpose. It also expands the psychic powers of any living person who resides there, giving them the power to resist its will. Danny, who has had premonitions of the hotel's danger to his family, begins seeing ghosts and frightening visions from the hotel's past. But he ignores it and hopes that they are not dangerous in the present. The problem is that he does not tell his parents about his visions because he senses how important the job of caretaker is to his father and his family's future. However, Danny realizes that being in the hotel is making him more powerful and enabling him to make the things that normally cannot be dangerous become dangerous. The hotel begins to posses Jack and eventually he starts to do crazy things that you will find out in the book by reading it.

I thought that the book was so awesome. It was very interesting, crazy and the book was definitely entertaining, I could not put it down. I had to know what happened next! I am going to remember this book forever; no one can forget a really good book. I really like how Stephen King’s style is; he is really creative in his work. He makes things sound more interesting, you can just imagine things that he writes. Reading it will make your heart race with fear and make a chill run down your spine. What I did not like was when he would sometimes ramble on about things that were a little pointless. It got a little boring, but I read it anyways. If you do not like horror books, than you might not want to read this book. It is actually not that bad of a book.

The Shining is a very good book that you should recommend reading. You will enjoy finding out what happens next. If you like horror books, than you will like reading this one, or any other books that Stephen King wrote.

into the wild ( book review)

The reason why i picked Into the Wild as my book is because the way he puts the world into perspective. He teaches that you dont need material wealth to be happy, instead you need to just know yourself. and there is no better way to know yourself untill you give everything up and live off the wild.
In April 1992 a young man from a well-to-do family hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. his name was Christopher Johnson McCandless. he had given $25,000 in savings to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet, and invented a new life for himself. four months later, his decomposed body was found by a party of moose hunters
If you are the type of person who questions authority and does not like the corruption in society today, you would like to read this book. it is a biography about a kid who hated the uglyness of society and just left it to figure out what life was reallly about

Twilight (Book Review)

I never thought that I would be the person reading a book based on romance and vampires. However, in the book Twilight, Stephenie Meyer catches your attention right away and makes you not want to put the book down. Her style of writing is one that you can understand and not one that is thought out and has so many different meanings that it becomes hard to understand.
This book is based on a young girl, Isabella Swan, who moves to a small town, Forks, to live with her dad. She didn’t know what it was going to be like considering she only visited him a few times in her life. When she starts high school everyone seems to be really nice to her except for one boy that sits next to her in Biology, Edward Cullen. After cringing and sitting as far away from her as he could, he slowly becomes friendly. His beauty makes it hard for Bella to resist him; his pale skin, bronze hair, and strangely beautiful black eyes. Soon enough they fall in love and Bella finds out Edward’s secret being a vampire. Bella doesn’t seem as afraid or turn off by this as she should, which scares Edward. As they begin to get closer, Bella gets to meet his family who are also vampires and while out one day they come across James, the tracker. He is a tracker vampire and once he found Bella’s scent he was going to do whatever he could to have her. She tries to hide, but that is not what will stop him, he will do anything to have her even threaten her family. But in order to truly find out what happens you have to read the book.
This book is one of the most interesting books I have ever read. I never thought I would be the person wanting to stay up late to finish it. Stephenie Meyer does an amazing job with grabbing your attention and using imagery to draw out exactly what was happening. Throughout the whole book in my head I could imagine exactly what was going on. Even though the genre of this book is romance I would recommend this to everyone, guys and girls. It has a lot of action to keep you focused but the love story between Bella and Edward gets more and more intense as you read on. Also, I found out that Twilight isn’t the only book; it has a whole series so you can continue on the romance in New Moon and Eclipse.

Finding Buck Mchenery (final review)

I read the book Finding Buck Mchenery. I thought it was a very entertaining book because the whole book revolved around baseball. The book talked about the old Negro leagues and the struggles they had to go through. It was really cool because it mentioned some people who played in the Negro Leagues and I have heard some of the names before. The book first started off with the main character Jason who got cut from his little league team. Some other kids around the league have as well. So they needed to start an expansion team and Jason was going to be captain of the new team. While Jason was trying to get the Grandstand card store to sponsor the team he came across a card that said Buck Mchenry and he thought it was Mack Henry the school custodian. Since he recognizes this he wanted him to be the coach and his grandson to be the pitcher who was the best player in the whole league. While Jason called everyone to play on the team no one wanted too until sports reporter mentioned the team and the coach on the air when everyone wanted to play. Find out how the team does and finding the discovery of Buck Mchenry.

I choose this book because it was about baseball and looked really interesting. At first I didn’t want to read at all but then I got hooked and couldn’t stop reading. It was a very entertaining book because the author keeps giving twist in the book and I was curious to get to the end to see how the Grandstand team did. What I didn’t like is it kind of repeats itself a little about the description of the Negro leagues. I thought the book was pretty realistic but had some cartoon stuff in it. I would encourage anyone to read this who has an interest in sports.